We welcome all English-speaking residents in the Lille area, and are open to anyone wishing to improve their language skills or explore British culture.
Whether you want to improve your English or simply know more about the English way of life we look forward to welcoming you to the Centre Culturel Britannique.

Here is a short video to present the CCB:

Our activities include

  • English Conversation Classes provided by native English speaking teachers
  • An extensive Library of over 1,700 English language resources including adult and kids books, DVDs and English Language Teaching (ELT) materials
  • A Book Club
  • Story Time for children, and
  • Social Activities

We are open during school terms on

Monday :                  15h30 – 18h30
Wednesday :            13h30 – 18h00
Friday :                      13h00 – 16h30



Legal note:

Association: Centre Culturel Britannique
Association déclarée sous le régime de la loi du 1er juillet 1901 avec pour objet de promouvoir et de diffuser la culture britannique.

Siret number: 508 982 782 000 15

Registered address: 2 rue Bernos, Fives, 59800 Lille, Tel: 03 20 54 22 79

email: lille.ccb@gmail.com

President / site editor: Keith Morris.

Site Host: OVH. 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.

Site Design: Olivier Chevre



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