Check the board…
Do you need an English speaking service, an event to publicize, or an English speaking skill to offer in the Lille region? Then pin your notice to the CCB notice board.
Our notice board is free of charge for private notices submitted through the CCB Contact page
Please note that
- Your message must is submitted in plain text and limited to approximately 50 words
- Must include a brief heading and your name, and a telephone number and/or email address on which you can be contacted directly by responders and CCB administration in case of queries. Please also date your message.
- Notices will be limited to 30 days publication from date of posting
- Notices will be invigilated by our Web administrator and may, if necessary, be edited.
Please also note that the CCB cannot be responsible for the goods or services advertised
English ‘Voice Over’s’ for a recording studio in Roubaix.
Posted: 5 March 2018
XXXXX makes publicity films for companies wanting to break into English speaking countries and need native English speakers at ease with “l’anglais international”. OK with American or other accents provided they are slight.
Sessions are occasional (at most once a month) and offer between €100 and €150 per 1 1/2 to 2 hour session.
Please contact : (Name / Telephone / email)
A parent who has provided his private contact details and …
Recherche personne de langue anglaise pour cours et conversation en anglais avec deux enfants de 11 et 9 ans